Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bloodsports 11 WIP

Bloodsports 11  WIP

Here is the image in an early stage.  Yes the character was developed planned and this fully finished concept sketch put together in just under 5 minutes.  I know it shows.  This was the a major mistake on my part.  I fumbled with the studies and then I should have spent much more time on this.  It was supposed to be the main element of the illustration and I really need the practice. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Parachute guy toy - study

Parachute toy - study
This was the last of the studies I did for this image.  This one was kind of rushed too but I kept with it to get it some sort of finish. After this I dove right into putting the image together. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bloodsports 11 -studies

Boat study

ornament -study
These were some studies I attempted to get done prior to getting into the main image.  They were miserably unsuccessful.  The biggest reason was I think that I rushed them.  If I had stuck with them I might have overcome problems and learned something.  I had spent a few evening working on this study and that seriously ate into my time for this challenge.  I figured if I stopped working on the Boissieu I would have lost the momentum and benefit of it. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Bloodsports 11- starting

Bloodsports 11 thumbs

Bloodsports 11  consisted of the following -
"Your Task is to use a monster (pre-existing or self developed) and turn it into a living statue version of itself. Similar to the concept of a gargoyle, these statues can be of any monster, and can be made of any  material. Once youve decided- bring it to life! backgrounds are a MUST."

 This one was gong to be hard - creature - textures - environment.  I started doing thumbs.  Unfortunately most of them got lost as  I juggled files between my computer and laptop.  The remnants are above.  I plumped for a toy come to life.  Originally it was going to fly but that got ditched when I moved into more detailed sketches. 

Big Bear Game Art

  I started creating a series of promotional art for a ficticious game.  This was to practice going through the design process.  I have foun...