Friday, March 26, 2021

Making a Production


I have been working on a lot of 3D projects recently but this is one I made for myself.  Making a model and running a simulation in Blender is sometimes challenging but creating a scene with multiple animations and effects requires that I have to plan it all out. 

If its multiple shots its easier as you can set up seperate scenes and buid to purpose but if all has to live in one shot it is a bigger challenge.  So I deliberately set up a large scene with alot going on to get a better workflow.  I ended up building all the elements and placing them in the final scene.  All the animations were decided then each element was duplicated in a seperate file and animated.  When the animations and effects were finalised they were baked or keyframed and  all moved back into the final scene.   Video is here 

Still Here

  A year since my last post here but that does not mean I have forgotten.  I stop by from time to time and this still remains the most compr...