Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Masters studies -oils

After Rosa Bonheur The Wounded Eagle

After Rosa Bonheur Bull

These are the two copies in oils I started last week.  I think I have one more pass at each until they are finished.  I painted directly and then used some glazing.  I plan to do some streaming so I will be able to capture the process abit better than the stills. The eagle was a real challenge the best way to approach it was to layer the colours so I had at least to detail sessions after blocking in. There is no way I would have been able to approach a subject like that successfully without doing these kinds of studies.
Still doing the digital studies -  

Portrait study 33
After Ernest_Meissonier-A Game of Piquet
I also did some photo manipulation for a fun for a contest - came third but got a  write up  here

Still Here

  A year since my last post here but that does not mean I have forgotten.  I stop by from time to time and this still remains the most compr...