Tuesday, June 26, 2018

More Lines

 Was sick this week so reduced output.  I did keep working with pen and ink trying some things out.  An eclectic mix.  

Portrait study 35 

Portrait study 35

People in chaos

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Apple blossom 1
Apple blossom 1 

Apple blossom 2
Apple blossom 2 

After Henriëtte_Ronner-Knip_

Lots of lines this week. It started out in photoshop where I just wanted to practice lines (Lab).  I then went back to pen and ink and played around with some hatching work.  They were studies from photos of apple blossoms.  Finished up practicing with washes from a painting after Henriëtte Ronner-Knip.  Will see where all these lines lead. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Masters studies -oils

After Rosa Bonheur The Wounded Eagle

After Rosa Bonheur Bull

These are the two copies in oils I started last week.  I think I have one more pass at each until they are finished.  I painted directly and then used some glazing.  I plan to do some streaming so I will be able to capture the process abit better than the stills. The eagle was a real challenge the best way to approach it was to layer the colours so I had at least to detail sessions after blocking in. There is no way I would have been able to approach a subject like that successfully without doing these kinds of studies.
Still doing the digital studies -  

Portrait study 33
After Ernest_Meissonier-A Game of Piquet
I also did some photo manipulation for a fun for a contest - came third but got a  write up  here

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Stormy landscapes

Stormy landscape

Spent the week doing some oil studies and some landscapes.  The one above started out with some photobashing then working to set mood.  The images below are some mapping of various paintings compositions and some studies in oil.  The images link out to the original images.   

After Rembrandt Christ in the Storm on the Lake of Galilee

After Ivan Shishkin, In the Wild North

After Turner  The Fifth Plague of Egypt

After Peder Monsted Woodland_Landscape_1907

After _Ruisdael
The Windmill at Wijk bij  

After Rosa Bonheur Bull
After Rosa Bonheur The Wounded Eagle

Whats UP?

  Its been a while.  Alot has happened personally and in the world generally since I last posted here last year.  Unfortunetly what is happe...