Friday, January 27, 2012

Gorilla Study -Crimson Daggers Bloodsports challenge

Gorilla Photoshop Study 3 hrs

I went ahead and took part in the last Crimson Daggers Bloodsports challenge.  This is becoming a big commitment as the pace I work at and the time it takes to do the studies and get the piece to any level of finish is pretty much all the time I have available.  They are proving to be really good at getting a working process together and forcing me to make decisions and stick with them.  So for that reason I have stuck with them.  Besides that Dan Warren is giving a lot of coaching and there  are a group of people doing them so it is probably closer to a college situation.  So for now other projects + goals are on hold.  Anyway above is a study for what was the Gorilla Guardian IP.  

45 minutes
90 minutes


Still Here

  A year since my last post here but that does not mean I have forgotten.  I stop by from time to time and this still remains the most compr...