Saturday, March 24, 2012

Zelda Redesign -Image 2

Zelda Redesign -First submission
When it got to submission time this was as far as I had got.  Still lots and lots left to do but this was where I was at and though not thrilled with it I went ahead and submitted. By that time Dan had announced that the final deadline for submissions which would go to Kotaku was the following Wednesday so still time to work some more.   

Friday, March 23, 2012

Zelda Redesign -image1

Errol 'in like' Flynn

I decided to modify the pose, put the character in water and eventually dropped the boat.  For charcters I kept very close to the depiction of charcters in Windwaker just moved them closer to relaistic.  I probably should have done more design after all that was the brief but with the time constraints and my meagre ablilities I did probably about as much as I could. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Zelda Redesign -Study 3

after ivan_aivazovskii
ivan aivazovskii_1817_1900
To build an environment for this image I went to ivan aivazovskii.  a master of moody atmospheric ocean scenes.  I had previously made a study of one of his paintings.  I went about doing a very quick lunchtime study. This is as far as I got.    

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Zelda Redesign -Study 2

Master and Commander Film Still Study

I did this study because the pose was pretty close to the comp and seafaring vibe.  The braiding was useful.  The pose was modified.  I had to keep all these studies short or I would not have time to finish the main image.  So no more than 2 hours.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Zelda Redesign -Study

Needed to pick a style and I choose more realistic than cartoon.  The reason for this was just that this is what I tend to produce more readily and I thought it would be good overall practice.  I needed some portrait and pose studies this was the first.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Composition-Windwaker Reworked

After some research did some compositional work.  The brief was not to use previous Zelda designs but keep the nautical theme plus include at least the main 3 characters.  I decided at the outset to depict just Link, Gannon and Zelda. I also wanted to keep it to one wrap around image.  

I started with some thumbs then picked one and did some comps.  I took the one at the top and started doing some studies to bring to the image.

Big Bear Game Art

  I started creating a series of promotional art for a ficticious game.  This was to practice going through the design process.  I have foun...