Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Bloodsports 13 Time Warriors

Bloodsports 13 time warriors crimson daggers
Bloodsports 13 Time Warriors 

Bloodsports returned and I could not pass.  I really ran out of time on this. I only spent a week so it did not leave enough time to polish.  I skimped on the studies.  The one I did to completion I did not end up using.  That was the lizard which was supposed to be for scale mail.  I did spend time on the thumbnails and I think the composition worked but I needed more time to get the contrast. I will return to it.  I am doing the next bloodsports so I will hopefully get a more polished piece. 


Sunday, March 31, 2013


In celebration of Easter.  
It is still bitterly cold here doesn't feel like spring.  
First still life study in a while.  Must do more.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Just some nonsense while tricking around with some textures and colour. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013



This started life as the exercise below which was some figure drawing practice.  I attempted to take it a little further then realised how hard it would be for me .  Left for a few weeks then went back and resolved to finish it in some way.  It was difficult and a real stretch but I have found that that has been the best way for me to learn so I got to be prepared to fail.  I like the colours in this and some of the treatments but this really brings home how much I have to learn.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Horned Lizard-study

horned lizard
Horned Lizard
Ah have not done a straight forward study fro a photo in a long time.  This was quite a challenge.  I did not set a time limit.  It took probably 3 hours or so.  The reference for this can be found on a site belonging to Richard Seaman. There are lots of other great lizard photos there so check them out.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Flying Alligator

alligator flying
Flying alligator
A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest men. 
30 min  for concept world skethathon. 

Big Bear Game Art

  I started creating a series of promotional art for a ficticious game.  This was to practice going through the design process.  I have foun...