Friday, January 31, 2020

Happy New Year

Logs - ink
Happy New Year.  

Managed to get a post out before January closed out.  Have been busy working on paid work and a revamping of my portfolio.  I have let this slip alot these last 3 months which is not good as this is mostly a store of study pieces and experiments and this makes it obvious I have let both slip.  Well new year and a recommitment to keep this record updated.  

This is a study from a photograph in ink.  I finally manged to get a cartridge pen.  Up until now it I have used a dip pen.  It was nice to just work without worrying about recharging with ink.  

Big Bear Game Art

  I started creating a series of promotional art for a ficticious game.  This was to practice going through the design process.  I have foun...