Monday, January 25, 2016

The Muscle

The Muscle
Another character.  Started in greyscale then added colour.  Hope I am getting a bit faster at these.  

Monday, January 18, 2016

After Shishkin- Gathering storm

After Shishkin- Gathering storm
This is a gouache study of a Shishkin landscape.  First attempt using gouache for landscape. The biggest take home on this was not how to use the paint but the design of the composition. To me it seems there was a lot of design going on here - layering multiple darks against lights.  It seems to me unlikely that you would find so many elements so well composed.  The next biggest learn was how important it is to hold onto the lights in gouache - once they are gone they are gone - I lost them in the foreground. 


Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Did this alongside working on two other pieces.  Sprung our of sketching did lines and went straight to colour.  Think that skipping value sped things up. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Dog Portrait

Dog Portrait 

Had time over the holiday season to try some new stuff.  This is a study done in gouache. Started out with pencil drawing.  Did a wash to lay out tones then worked on it far too much. 

Touched it up a bit in Photoshop. I prefer the one above. 
Dog Portrait 

Whats UP?

  Its been a while.  Alot has happened personally and in the world generally since I last posted here last year.  Unfortunetly what is happe...